The Data Dividend Project
Role: Art Director, UI/UX Designer, Brand Direction & Marketing Strategy
Brief — create a noticeable brand and responsive user sign-up flow for the Data Dividend Project.
Started by Andrew Yang, the Data Dividend Project wanted to create a sign-up flow in order to represent people who wanted legal compensation for the use of their data. How could we make this a quick, fun experience that allowed people to share the campaign? Before we could build, we needed to brand.
User Goals:
• Protecting data rights and privacy
• Receiving payment for data infringement
• Being a part of an online movement
Business Goals:
• Receiving data of user info in exchange for representation
• Educate on the movement for data privacy
• To stay connected and have a platform with which to convene with supporters
Proposed Solution:
A concise sign up flow, 2-step verification process and end screen accounting for possible outcomes of submission. It was important to analyze the branding and messaging around non-profit movements and common crypto symbols to see where the Data Dividend Project fit into the landscape.
Design Process
Wireframing potential solutions, exploring sign-up flows from other movements. High-fidelty wireframes to final design process.
Mood boarding and competitive product research showed a need for sign-up friendly and personally engaging call to action and a rally around the flag exciting feel.
In order to motivate users we included a progress bar element and other product features to show approach to the end.
Final solution
A MVP desktop sign up flow, 2-step verification process and end screen accounting for possible outcomes of submission. Social-media plan with concise CTA.
30,000 + sign ups in the first week
Future success metrics to look for: how the response is towards certain posts and content – what comments people have that could be incorporated into the larger content and campaign strategy? Are there any snags in the sign-up flow? This data would be used to continue innovating product and social strategy.